Thursday, July 21, 2011

E&P Opportunities in Asia in 2011

There are 33 opportunities recorded and analysed in Derrick’s ‘Deals in Play’ database for the 2 previous years till date (July 2011). A sample of these opportunities is shown in the chart below.

Indonesia has the highest number of opportunities at 9 followed by the Philippines at 5, India and Myanmar at 4 each and Vietnam at 3. Pakistan has 2 opportunities and Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Lebanon, Malaysia and Sri Lanka have 1 each.

There is 1 corporate M&A and 18 exploration/ developing undeveloped discoveries opportunities. 1 opportunity is related to producing fields and 3 are related to fields under development. 9 opportunities are for new exploration awards by governments/ NOC’s and 1 opportunity involves a mix of asset types.

Table 1: Sample of E&P Opportunities available in Asia with sellers, country and year of announcement shown. Hover over squares for additional information. Click on squares to go to the deal sheet in the ‘Deals in Play’ database (Pop ups need to be allowed).

Derrick has valued 5 deals where valuation was possible (e.g., asset sales). The sellers here are
a.GeoGlobal Resources
b.Union Fenosa Gas
c.Hycarbex-American Energy
For further information click on the companies above.

For information about Derrick Petroleum Services ‘Deals in Play’ database write to or

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