Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1H-2011 review of global oil and gas transactions.

How is the deal activity coming up in 2011? Let's take a look based on one category- Conventional vs Unconventional.

The deal activity for the first five months of 2011 was busy with 633 deals captured. In total, there were 202 deals reported with deal value greater than $10 million. The analysis is based on these 202 deals that hit the total deal value at $65.3 billion. The share of unconventionals in total deal value is almost same as 2010 which reduced to 31% from 49% in 2009. However, a significant part of the unconventional deal value in 2009 was due to a single deal, the acquisition of XTO by ExxonMobil (unconventionals’ share without XTO would be 30%).
Taking North America as the special case, the split of conventional and unconventional deals is 35% and 65%, respectively, against the 2010 split of 46% and 54%. The activity in North American unconventional sector for the five months was robust with many Asian investors including KNOC, CNOOC and Marubeni, venturing into the shales. It is anticipated that this increasing interest will strengthen the transaction activity levels for the rest of 2011. 
Among all the shales, Eagle Ford shale was highly noted for its metrics skyrocketing to a new level. KNOC-Andarko JV had left the mterics at ~$14,000/acre and the recent Marathon's $3.5 billion acquisition at ~$21,000/acreThe metrics quoted are different from the reported industry metrics of $19,000/acre and $25,000/acre. Click the deals to know how.

To see what other oil and gas companies are reporting on "Eagle Ford", use our oil and gas document library:

Unconventional interest outside North America
Apart from North American shales, the oil and gas players’ have started venturing into other regions as well. Notably, European countries like Poland and Bulgaria have induced certain majors like Total, Chevron, Mitsui and Nexen to explore their shale reservoirs. Take a look at the snapshot of the following European shale deals in 2011.

The number of columns of the reported deals are limited to fit in this table. To view the complete analysis on these deals click the table.

Here are the few blockbusters of 2011. Start interacting.

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