Tuesday, March 1, 2011

North American shale plays by location and maturity

Key US shale plays:
       Barnett Shale in Texas, dry and wet gas zones, combo area with oil/condensate as well
       Fayetteville Shale in Arkansas, mainly dry gas
       Haynesville Shale on the Louisiana-Texas border, mainly dry gas
       Marcellus Shale in Appalaichia, covering multiple states with Pennsylvania as main state, NE-part dry, SW-part with wet gas area
       Bakken Shale, hybrid shale system with mainly oil production, also exploiting underlying Three Forks tight sands formation.
Emerging plays:
       Eagle Ford in South Texas, oil and wet gas in addition to dry gas
       Niobrara in the Rockies, mostly oil
       Avalon in the Permian, mostly oil
       Utica in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvani may be oil prone and future target by companies
       Canadian plays, notably Montney and Horn River in British Columbia, Utica in Quebec currently put on hold by Talisman.

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