Monday, February 21, 2011

Oil and gas companies go diving into Trinidad waters – Plan to spud 25 wells in 2011

Drilling activities onshore and offshore Trinidad & Tobago is said to increase this year as players from the oil and industry plan to spud more than 25 wells in 2011, up from five wells in 2010 and just seven wells in 2009.

Here‘s what is on the menu….

  • State-run Petrotrin is planning to drill 16 wells on its Trinmar acreage from March 2011 with one exploration well, four appraisal wells and remaining eleven to be development wells.

Parex Resources
  • Parex Resources is targeting a three to five-well drilling programme as well as testing its Snowcap-1 and deepening the Firecrown-1 well on its Moruga block
  • It is also planning a pair of 4500-foot exploration wells on its onshore Central Block at Cribo-1 and Mapepire-1

  • BPTT, the Trinidad & Tobago unit of BP, plans to drill least seven new wells and complete a well spudded in 2010.
EOG Resources
  • EOG will drill a total of eight wells in 2011 at its offshore Toucan field out of which seven wells are development wells while the eighth well is a step out well.

Niko Resources 
  • Niko Resources is planning to drill three wells on offshore Block 2ab in August 2011.

Bayfield Energy
  • Bayfield Energy is planning to carry out a seven-well exploration and appraisal programme over the course of next two years on its Galeota block, with drilling scheduled to begin in Q3 2011.

For more details please visit:

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